Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chicken Run!

When we first got our chicks we tried to handle them a lot so that they would be comfortable with people and nice and tame.  It was so much fun when they began walking onto our hands voluntarily, they really appeared to be warming up to us. We seemed to have done everything right so you can imagine our surprise when we seemed to lose ground with them. As they got larger and moved out to the barn they went back to being very skittish and not very people friendly.

We didn't know at the time that once they reached maturity everything would change again.  Lady Mary was the first to warm back up to us.  One day we went out to see them and she did this little squat as we approached her.  As we always do, we went to work doing our research.  We found out that this is a sign that they've reached maturity (also coincides with when they start laying eggs), it's a sign of submission and our girls do it when they want to be pet or picked up.  

Mrs. Patmore followed shortly after, and then Edith.  Lavinia still has not, and based on her breed (Golden Spangle), she may never warm up to us like the others.  Her breed tends to be very standoffish and independent.  That's ok though, we have our hands full with the other three!  

Now that the girls have matured they want to be with us constantly, they literally follow you everywhere!   I go into the feed room, they go in the feed room, I go into a stall, they try to go into the stall.  They are never very happy when I shut the door on them, but they wait patiently on the other side.  

Today I decided to have a little fun with them.  I needed to let Sadie out so I was trying to shake them off, no such luck! This is also the sight you see when you open the barn door, it's quite the greeting to have 3 chickens run full blast towards you!

And now one in slow motion because what's funnier than chickens running in slow-mo?!

These girls are made for sprints definitely not distance.  Mrs. Patmore immediately found the highest perch to celebrate her come from behind victory in that last race.

Light Brahma Hen

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