Wednesday, October 21, 2015


We knew it was inevitable that our newest additions would soon be large enough and curious enough to start exploring outside of the barn.  

The first sign that there was no keeping these guys in was the day that Chibs managed to climb out of the feed room while we were on a trail ride.  He had no trouble getting up that high, but I did have to help him get down :)

Their favorite destination outside of the barn is definitely the little tractor!

It makes us a little nervous that these guys are now free to roam, but we have them well trained that if they come when we call there is usually some tuna waiting for them.

Chibs is definitely more adventurous outside, Tig often doesn't make it past the horse stalls!  He loves hanging out with Dolly while she's eating.

These kitties have no fear of the horses and the horses seem to enjoy their company.  Rowdy typically isn't the most popular with the other animals because he's a little too unpredictable, but he and Chibs get along great!

Being the "homebody" cat, we recently discovered that Tig is a big fan of our saddles, with or without the horse!

Luckily these two seem to stick pretty close to home, hopefully that continues, especially until they have grown a bit more!

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