Denali is 16 weeks old today, a perfect time for an update!
She weighs 31.6 pounds and will get her final round of puppy shots tomorrow.
She is such a good puppy, she still (fingers crossed) has not destroyed anything!
She's starting to lose her puppy teeth so we keep her busy with lots of toys and things to chew on.
She loves the bones her Grandma Cathy got her...
Not only are they great to chew on, but are so much fun to toss around and attack!
Sadie broke her reins, which was perfect timing, a big chunk of leather to chew on is the absolute best to a puppy!
As she gets bigger we are working on more and more commands and tricks. She sits, shakes, lays down, stays...that one is tough but she's getting it!
She knows to sit and wait for her food and for treats, she's getting better and better about this!
She still LOVES hay and was so excited when I brought 4 fresh bales to the barn yesterday.
She is such a lovey puppy, if she's near you she likes to keep a paw on you.
Schumi is so incredibly patient with her! If she isn't loving on him she's wanting to play, and her favorite game is taking his collar off. She's a master at it, which can be an issue since he's not nearly as good about staying close as she is. I'm currently searching for a Denali proof collar. Maybe Liz and Susan at Fairy Tail Collars can help me out with suggestions :)
She likes to fetch and is surprisingly good at it! This isn't typically something Berners get that excited about, but she caught on quickly and will retrieve quite a few times before getting bored with it. She's still a little uncoordinated on the slippery floor though!
She loves to ride in the car, but you can't be in a hurry if you take her anywhere. She's like a celebrity at the feed store!
She's taking her first long road trip this week when we head to AZ. I hope she still loves the car after that long drive!!
She'll get to spend the days with Aunt Jess and Bruce Almighty while I'm at work, I'm sure we will have quite the adventures to report back on!
And the last pic of the update, her goofball expression when she gets really tired! :)